International conference "Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics" dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Victor Buchstaber, Sochi, Russia, 2023. Talk "Shapes of Hermitian matrices and topology of the corresponding isospectral manifolds". [interactive slides]
International conference "Toric Topology 2023", Osaka, Japan, 2023. Talk: "Equivariant formality of isospectral matrix manifolds". [youtube]
"Workshop on Topological Data Analysis: Mathematics, Physics and beyond", Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2023. Talk: "Flag complexes of multi-graphs and related constructions". [slides]
International conference "Combinatorics on flag varieties and related topics", Yangyang, Republic of Korea, 2023. Talk "Face posets of regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties and graphicahedra". [slides]
Transformation groups seminar at University of Western Ontario, 2022. Talk: "Face posets of equivariantly formal torus actions and applications".
International conference "Computer methods of cognitome analysis", Moscow, Russia, and Zoom, 2022. Talk: "Formal concepts application for neural codes studies". [slides]
Big talk "Matrix Odyssey: from computational algebra to toric topology and back" at the ATA Lab's seminar, 2022. [interactive slides | link to slides' source on github]
International conference "Algebraic Topology and Applications", Moscow-Zoom, 2021. Talk: "Local and global combinatorial structure of torus actions". [slides]
ColMar interactions seminar, Cologne-Marburg-Zoom, 2021, talk: "Face posets of equivariantly formal torus actions". [slides]
Mini-workshop "Algebraic groups: the White Nights season", Saint-Petersburg, June 12-16, 2021. Talk: "Acyclicity properties for torus actions". [slides]
International conference "Toric topology in Osaka 2021", Osaka, Japan, 2021. Talk "Clique complexes of multigraphs". [slides]
Geometry seminar ETH Zurich, Zurich-Zoom, 2020, talk "Multipolytopes, volume polynomials, duality algebras". [slides]
International conference "Workshop on Torus Actions in Topology", Toronto, Canada, 2020. Plenary talk: "Toric topology of complexity one". [slides | youtube] Extended version at topological seminar. [slides]
International conference "Theoretical physics and mathematics of the brain: bridges across disciplines and applications", Moscow, Russia, 2019. Talk: "Topological formal concepts". [slides rus | slides eng]
International conference "Toric Topology 2019 in Okayama", Okayama, Japan, 2019. Talk: "Combinatorics of equivariantly formal torus actions of complexity one". [slides]
OCU topology doctoral seminar, 2019, Talk: "Applied topology in brain studies". [slides]
International workshop "Hessenberg varieties 2019 in Osaka", Osaka, Japan, 2019. Talk: "Towards periodic permutohedral variety". [used board]
International conference "Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: Rokhlin - 100", Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2019. Talk: "Orbit spaces of equivariantly formal torus actions". [slides]
Математический семинар ФКН, 2019. Доклад "Комбинаторная топология периодического и непереодического потоков Тоды". [slides]
International workshop "Hessenberg varieties 2018 in Osaka", Osaka, Japan, 2018. Talk: "Torus actions on manifolds of isospectral Hermitian matrices". [used board]
International conference "Glances@Manifolds 2018", Krakow, Poland, 2018. Plenary talk: "Manifolds with torus actions, their orbit spaces and universal spaces of parameters". [slides]
OCAMI special talk, Osaka, Japan, 2018. Talk: "Periodic tridiagonal matrices: where toric topology, combinatorics, and mathematical physics meet". [slides]
International open Chinese-Russian conference "Algebraic topology, geometry and combinatorics of manifolds", Sanya, China, 2017. Talk: "Algebras of multi-fans and combinatorics of pseudomanifolds". [slides lost]
Princeton-Rider Workshop "On the Homotopy Theory of Polyhedral Products", Princeton, USA, 2017. Talk: "Toric Origami Structures on Quasitoric Manifolds and Fatness of 3-Polytopes". [slides lost]
7-th European Congress of Mathematics, Berlin, Germany, 2016. Contributed talk: "Volume polynomial and Poincare duality algebra of multi-polytope". [slides]
International conference "Alexandrov readings", Moscow, Russia, 2016. Talk: "Toric origami manifolds and metric properties of planar graphs". [board talk]
"Toric topology 2016 in Kagoshima", Kagoshima, Japan, 2016. Talk: "Volume polynomials and duality algebras of multi-fans". [slides lost]
International Chinese-Russian Conference "Torus Actions: Topology, Geometry and Number Theory", Beijing, China, 2015. Talk: "Cohomology of torus manifolds and socles of face rings". [slides]
"Toric Topology, Number Theory and Applications", Khabarovsk, Russia, 2015. Talk: "Volume polynomial of a multipolytope and corresponding duality algebra". [slides]
"International Conference on Combinatorial and Toric Homotopy", Singapore, 2015. Invited talk: "Orbit type filtrations of torus manifolds and combinatorics of simplicial posets". [slides]
"Combinatorial Constructions in Topology", Regina, Canada, 2015. Invited talk: "h'- and h''-numbers in combinatorics and cohomology of torus manifolds". [board talk]
"Toric topology 2015 in Osaka", Osaka, Japan, 2015. Talk: "Macaulay’s dual systems, volume polynomials, and cohomology of torus manifolds". [board talk]
RIMS workshop "New topics on transformation groups", Kyoto, Japan, 2015. Talk: "On relation between Buchsbaum face rings and torus manifolds". [slides]
"Geometry and topology", a conference in honor of Martin Bendersky's 70-th birthday, Princeton, USA, 2015. Invited talk: "Face enumeration in simplicial manifolds via toric topology". [board talk]
International conference "Geometry, topology and integrability", Skolkovo, Moscow, Russia, 2014. Talk: "Topology of manifolds with locally standard action of torus". [slides]
ICM-2014 satellite conference "Topology of torus actions and applications to geometry and combinatorics", Daejeon, Korea, 2014. Talk: "Homology of manifolds with locally standard torus actions". [slides | youtube]
RIMS workshop "The topology and the algebraic structures of transformation groups", Kyoto, Japan, 2014. Talk: "Quasitoric manifolds which are not toric origami manifolds". [slides]
"Toric topology in Osaka 2014", Osaka, Japan, 2014. Talk: "Alexander duals to boundaries of polytopes". [slides] and fake slides to mess everyone |
"5-th Asian conference on algebraic topology", Beijing, China, 2013. Talk: "Constellation complexes of spherical configurations". [slides]
International open Chinese-Russian conference "Torus actions: topology, geometry and number theory", Khabarovsk, Russia, 2013. Talk: "Topology of links and full subcomplexes in a simplicial complex". [slides]
"The 39-th Symposium on Transformation Groups", Tokyo, Japan, 2012. Talk: "Equivariant homotopy type of degenerate quadrics' intersections". [slides]
"Toric topology in Osaka 2012", Osaka, Japan, 2012. Talk: "Polyhedral joins and products". [slides lost]
"Alexandroff readings" 2012, Moscow, Russia. Talk: "Algebraic properties of spherical nerve-complexes". [slides]
"Toric topology in Osaka 2011", Osaka, Japan, 2011. Talk: "Nerve-complexes of nonsimple polytopes". [slides]
International conference "Toric topology and automorphic functions", Khabarovsk, Russia, 2011. Talk: "Moment-angle spaces of nonsimple polytopes". [slides]
Spherical nerve-complexes [poster]
Mini-posters to support paper models at the department [Cubical necklace | Permutohedral tiling]